The Dark Knight, directed by Christopher Nolan is the second installment of Nolan's Batman trilogy. The sequel to 2005 stunner ' The Batman Begins' has an ensemble cast of Christian bale, Morgan Freeman, Heath Ledger, Aaron Eckhart, Michael Caine, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Gary Oldman in key roles. The film is dark, twisted and austere having a dazzling spectacle and feverish action promising a fun-filled experience ahead.
The film ran a successful theatrical period as the audiences started flooding in to watch a fabled gift from Heath Ledger who plays the evil Joker 6 months after his death and he didn't disappoint them. Like all other superhero movies, the underlying theme of the movie is the battle between the good and the bad. The film begins with iconic bank robbery scene shot with an IMAX camera as six robbers try to rob a mob bank but only one winner to claim all the stolen money leaving others dead. Of course it is the Joker, the person who wears a purple colored suit (his usual dress code), having his face painted chalk-white and a big red smile which extends further from his mouth. Needless to say, Joker opens up with an electrifying performance as expected by the viewers.
He speaks in calibrated accent enunciating his words properly enough to produce terror. His smart-liners steal the majority of the limelight. In one scene, when he says to Batman "You complete me". Don't buy the tease. He means it. Joker starts in the film with simplicity in his action but this simplicity itself goes on to terrify the audience as the movie progresses. We can clearly glimpse chaos at the heart of the Joker instead of creation as he threatens Batman through media that he will start to kill people of Gotham and only way to stop this is by disclosing his true identity. Joker's fiendishly designed actions are meant to pose dilemmas for his enemies. His evil and mean side is highlighted in certain scenes. For example, when he states he doesn't use a gun since the knife savors all the emotions of the victim. Bruce Wayne aka Batman played by Bale is the masked crusader of Gotham who finds himself at war with his own conscience. He is in love with his childhood friend Rachael (Gyllenhaal) who finds herself torn between the love of two heroes of Gotham, the masked vigilante Batman and the district attorney Harvey Dent (Eckhart). Batman is indeed the ray of hope to end organized crime in Gotham as he tries his best to apprehend Joker, confronts the head of crime family Maroni and brings down the Chinese accountant Lau who handles the Mob's money. Eckhart handles the role of Harvey Dent with magnificence as he earns the title of Gotham's white knight (the one who doesn't need a mask to stop crime on the streets of Gotham). Later, Harvey dent's character transformed from a candid cop in to a bitter monster which the joker wanted. His sole aim was to bring down Gotham's white knight to the echelon of brutality and he succeeds with a cunning plan to be executed at his behest.
Then, there is Wayne's butler Alfred (Caine) who also happens to be a fatherly figure sends often a supply of useful advices to Bruce whenever needed. The Alfred-Bruce relationship is the strong pillar on which the whole Batman legend stands firmly. Alfred also destroys the secret that is likely to demoralize his boss thus proving him to be more than just a butler for Wayne. Other accomplices of Batman include Lieutenant-turned Commissioner of Gotham Jim Gordon (Oldman) and his armorer and CEO of Wayne enterprises Lucius Fox (Freeman) who is fully aware of Wayne being the masked vigilante.
Throughout the duration of the film, we see calamitous explosions, terrific chase scenes and witty smart-liners by the villain. Nolan immortalized Batman through this flawless endeavour .The film leaps beyond the origins and becomes an engrossing affair. The haunting and visionary Dark Knight soars on the wings of untamed imagination. It is full of surprises you don't see coming
The film ran a successful theatrical period as the audiences started flooding in to watch a fabled gift from Heath Ledger who plays the evil Joker 6 months after his death and he didn't disappoint them. Like all other superhero movies, the underlying theme of the movie is the battle between the good and the bad. The film begins with iconic bank robbery scene shot with an IMAX camera as six robbers try to rob a mob bank but only one winner to claim all the stolen money leaving others dead. Of course it is the Joker, the person who wears a purple colored suit (his usual dress code), having his face painted chalk-white and a big red smile which extends further from his mouth. Needless to say, Joker opens up with an electrifying performance as expected by the viewers.
He speaks in calibrated accent enunciating his words properly enough to produce terror. His smart-liners steal the majority of the limelight. In one scene, when he says to Batman "You complete me". Don't buy the tease. He means it. Joker starts in the film with simplicity in his action but this simplicity itself goes on to terrify the audience as the movie progresses. We can clearly glimpse chaos at the heart of the Joker instead of creation as he threatens Batman through media that he will start to kill people of Gotham and only way to stop this is by disclosing his true identity. Joker's fiendishly designed actions are meant to pose dilemmas for his enemies. His evil and mean side is highlighted in certain scenes. For example, when he states he doesn't use a gun since the knife savors all the emotions of the victim. Bruce Wayne aka Batman played by Bale is the masked crusader of Gotham who finds himself at war with his own conscience. He is in love with his childhood friend Rachael (Gyllenhaal) who finds herself torn between the love of two heroes of Gotham, the masked vigilante Batman and the district attorney Harvey Dent (Eckhart). Batman is indeed the ray of hope to end organized crime in Gotham as he tries his best to apprehend Joker, confronts the head of crime family Maroni and brings down the Chinese accountant Lau who handles the Mob's money. Eckhart handles the role of Harvey Dent with magnificence as he earns the title of Gotham's white knight (the one who doesn't need a mask to stop crime on the streets of Gotham). Later, Harvey dent's character transformed from a candid cop in to a bitter monster which the joker wanted. His sole aim was to bring down Gotham's white knight to the echelon of brutality and he succeeds with a cunning plan to be executed at his behest.
The still from The Dark Knight |
Then, there is Wayne's butler Alfred (Caine) who also happens to be a fatherly figure sends often a supply of useful advices to Bruce whenever needed. The Alfred-Bruce relationship is the strong pillar on which the whole Batman legend stands firmly. Alfred also destroys the secret that is likely to demoralize his boss thus proving him to be more than just a butler for Wayne. Other accomplices of Batman include Lieutenant-turned Commissioner of Gotham Jim Gordon (Oldman) and his armorer and CEO of Wayne enterprises Lucius Fox (Freeman) who is fully aware of Wayne being the masked vigilante.
Christian Bale as The Batman in The Dark Knight |
Throughout the duration of the film, we see calamitous explosions, terrific chase scenes and witty smart-liners by the villain. Nolan immortalized Batman through this flawless endeavour .The film leaps beyond the origins and becomes an engrossing affair. The haunting and visionary Dark Knight soars on the wings of untamed imagination. It is full of surprises you don't see coming
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